Girls and Boys Day Uniform (Monday-Thursday)
- SPPS School Shirt
- Maroon shorts, skort, trousers, trackpants (no tights, bike pants or jeans)
- School dress
- Maroon school jumper/jacket
- White socks
- Black shoes
Girls & Boys Sports Uniform (Friday)
- Coloured Sports House shirt
- Maroon shorts, trousers, tracksuit pants (no jeans or tights)
- Joggers
School Uniform Expectation Guide
Uniform Shop
Uniform shop is open Monday to Friday - 9.30am - 2.30pm.
Orders can be placed in person at the office, emailed to speerspt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au or by phone on 4958 1230.
Payments can be made by Cash or online via School Bytes once order has been placed.
Uniforms will not be distributed until payment has been made